Living with Carnivores

A vegetarian human's adventure with cats

Month: November, 2017

Missing Lush Grass

The felines aren’t happy with the human at the moment. They’ve had no fresh organic wheatgrass to nosh on for over 10 days and the plants that are left are pretty bedraggled. The furry people are definitely pining for a new pot of fresh greenery. Still, the human’s been hard-pressed to get out of trouble as each time she goes into the grocery store to get more grass, the store has been out of it.  Never mind that she’s visited 4 times in the last 10 days, that doesn’t cut it in this household. <<Bad human servant, bad!>>  New kitty beds, new kitty foods, and new kitty blankets be darned. Keep this up and the human will be fired.



(c) Copyright 2017, PeggyMalnati. All rights reserved. Photos my own.

From Cranky to Sweet

Corky has been mighty cranky for the past many weeks. He had a flare up of painful crystals in his bladder in late October that led to a vet visit.  (A 45 minute session cost $500 USD. Then vets wonder why we don’t make those 2-3x/year wellness visits for each cat like they recommend.) After a round of antibiotics (which he didn’t need, since he had no infection) and a few days of oral pain killer (which was as painful for the human to give him as it was for Corky to receive, since he fights meds like no cat the human remembers), his symptoms abated. Still, he was a mighty cranky little kitty and was especially mean to poor Fireball. He even harassed Miss Mac. (Apparently he hasn’t been keeping up on all the celebrities and politicians who are in serious trouble due to sexual harassment issues.) He had another flare up just before Thanksgiving. Fortunately, the human had some pain meds left from the last vet vsit, which got the household through the holiday lest a visit to the emergency vet be needed. (That would have been $1300 at least.) Doubly fortunately, Corky’s vet wrote another prescription for pain meds, which the human picked up the day after Thanksgiving. And the human went back to ensuring all the kitties’ food — canned, raw freeze dried, and crunchies — were well soaked in water before the felines were given it.  Now that Cranky Corky is properly hydrated and his bladder crystals have passed, he’s back to being a sweet little kitty again. The human has even spied him sleeping next to Fireball on the bed at night. Talk about Jekyll and Hyde!


(c) Copyright 2017, PeggyMalnati. All rights reserved. Photos my own.


White Mousy goes Dumpster Diving

The toy mice have been having great parties at night this week.  The human is greatly entertained with the places she finds them when she picks up each morning. Pink mousy showed up beside the smaller crunchy bowl upstairs, while orange mousy was close to climbing into the medium-sized litter box. Back into the toy box they go, only to reemerge for new adventures the next night. The other morning, white mousy went for a dive in one of the food bowls. The cats had nothing good to say about that meal offering, so hopefully at least someone enjoyed the food. Unfortunately, after sitting in a bowl of soppy soft food all night, white mousy is looking a bit worse for wear — even after a bath. Time for the human to clean out the three kitty toy boxes and see what else might need to be recycled.


(c) Copyright 2017, PeggyMalnati. All rights reserved. Photos my own.

Of Course they Didn’t Like it!

Silly human. She brought home two new poofy cat beds for the meows the other night and gleefully presented her gifts to the Feline Fraternity. Sure enough, they showed up and sniffed the new additions over. However, no one could be coaxed into getting inside or even looking inside either ultrasoft kitty bed. To add insult to injury, the human also found some new bowls for their kitty feeding station upstairs. The ceramic was wrapped in crackly paper to protect it as it left the store. The human put the crackly paper down on the floor and several of the cats had a great time burrowing under the sheets.  Meanwhile, the new cat beds got ignored. Cats! Can’t live with them; can’t live without them.


(c) Copyright 2017, PeggyMalnati. All rights reserved. Photos my own.

Pattern Change

The Splashasaurus Merkitty has changed her water-flinging pattern.  Instead of the water only going to the right of the bowl, a new pattern has emerged where the water has been tossed to the left as well, albeit not as much.The human wonders what this means…probably that the little Minx is now using both her left as well as her right paws.  Leave it to the Merkitty to continually mix things up.


(c) Copyright 2017, PeggyMalnati. All rights reserved. Photos my own.

Dangle Buddies

Because it’s been really cold of late, the human put the much beloved far-infrared heating pad back on the bed.  Both two-legged and four-legged people love that device! The pad has a 10-hour heating cycle before it automatically shuts off. That’s perfect as the human turns it on a little while before she plans to dive into bed so everything is toasty when she arrives. And she turns it back on in the morning when she gets up so the cats have the benefit of the penetrating warmth during the day when they’re snoozing upstairs. (Keeping them happy helps ensure the human gets work done on the lower floor.) Between the fleece blankets, the soft padded kitty beds, and the far-infrared heat, some of the cats are loathe to leave the bed even for their breakfast — meaning the human has to hand deliver food right to their “nest.”  The human saw Caesar and Mac lounging with paws dangling the other morning and just had to snap a few pics. Caesar looked like he was recovering from a night of indulgence, and Mac acted like she was standing guard over here big pal.


(c) Copyright 2017, PeggyMalnati. All rights reserved. Photos my own.

Mystery Muddy Footprints

It’s been brutally cold of late. We had snow flurries on Halloween and last week  it dipped below freezing for the first time in half a year.  The human had to haul the houseplants in from the great outdoors a couple of weeks back, including the big ficus tree. For a while she had the large pot (and its plentiful supply of soft fresh soil) barricaded with some containers to keep little kitty feet out.  However, one of the barricades had to be moved and the repositioned items clearly did not dissuade kitty visitors.The human came downstairs the next morning only to see a whole path of dirty, muddy footprints coming out of the pot and moving across a runner on the (unused) woodstove. (They’re subtle, but clearly visible in both photos above).  While she cannot prove it, the human suspects the Merkitty made a nocturnal visit. The human has redoubled her efforts to build an effective barricade, and so far that seems to be working. Give her time and the Merkitty will find a way back into the pot just because she’s not supposed to be there.



(c) Copyright 2017, PeggyMalnati. All rights reserved. Photos my own.

Pepe Inspects the New Chairs

The human bought new kitchen chairs back in August. She kept them for a few weeks only to decide she didn’t like them and returned them to the store.  It took another few weeks to look around and find replacements that she liked at a price she was willing to pay. Meanwhile, Pepe was without a chair of his own, which led to all kinds of early morning complaining from Mr. Sassy Face.  He had to sit on the floor instead of standing on a chair and making furtive attempts to put paws and other body parts on the table when the human’s head was turned away.Finally, the human found chairs she liked and ordered 4 of them for the house. It took another week or so to get them delivered, but what you are seeing here is Pepe’s first inspection of the new furniture in early October.Pepe is not one to be overly generous with the flowery language, but so far he seems to be accepting of them.Thank heavens she got kitty approvals! The human would hate to have to go find another set she liked.



(c) Copyright 2017, PeggyMalnati. All rights reserved. Photos my own.

New Fake Fur Kitty Blankets

The human was at the fabric store a few weeks back (always a dangerous place to be!) purchasing some fleece to make some gift blankets for family and friends. It’s nearly impossible to walk past the remnants bins without having a bit of a look.  Fortunately, the human found two lovely synthetic “furry” fabric pieces that were just the right size to put in the kitty beds.  As usual, she proudly brought home her gifts and presented them to the kitty overlords and waited to see how they responded. Rather than the usual disdain her gifts are met with, this time the new fabric got an appreciative nod from the feline kingdom. As you can see, the Merkitty had a nice mix, then flopped down on top of the fabric and rolled around on it. (I guess that means she marked it as her own.)Pepe, Fireball, Caesar, and even Corky all checked out the new blankets and seemed to like them as well. So nice to finally find something the kitties like and that will keep them warm and cozy as winter closes in on us.

(c) Copyright 2017, PeggyMalnati. All rights reserved. Photos my own.


Return of the Merkitty

Well, the human recently made the mistake — several times in fact — of mentioning that Macaroni must have finally grown up, as there had been no Merkitty Puddles left in the house for at least 6 months.

The little She-Monster must have heard, as we’ve had floods every day this week on two floors of the house.  As you can see from the splash pattern, she only seems to throw water in one direction.  Such a Merkitty!


(c) Copyright 2017, PeggyMalnati. All rights reserved. Photos my own.